Post treatment:
You should feel relaxed, even if you have had quite a deep treatment, the latter which might leave you feeling 'worked on", ie, a little sore.
Make sure you drink some extra water to help your kidneys flush out toxins in the body that have been moved into the blood circulation due to the treatment. It is natural and good for this to happen.
Many people prefer to have a quiet period or a sleep after a massage but some people feel energised or less anxious and like to get on with things. A few people might feel lethargic for 24 hrs, especially if they are new to massage.
Some people feel sore more for 24/48 hours before feeling better than they had previous to the massage. This can happen especially when a person is not used to having a deep massage.
Massage lowers the blood pressure so if you feel dizzy take it easy, have a drink of water and do not have a hot bath or shower straight afterwards.
It also lowers blood sugar so if you are diabetic check your blood sugar levels or have something to eat/drink not long afterwards.